הזמנת כרטיסים (open in new tab)

Activities for classes

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Emmett, Konsektorer Edificing Elit Colors Monfred Addendum Silkoff, exciting and moving. A replacement for the Bluff Kintz spray gun.

Science Field

Science Field







1 Activities for classes

Beautiful chemistry

In the "Cosmetics" activity, the students learn in an experiential and practical way about types of mixtures and surfactants, understand the scientific principles behind combining oil and water to make an emulsion and make their own fragrant hand cream that is pleasant to the touch.

  • Divided into groups of up to 20 participants
  • A sentence that emphasizes what makes the program unique - for example, it is worth 10 hours in the curriculum
  • Activity duration: an hour and a half
  • Activity location: the laboratory

פעילויות נבחרו


גלו פעילויות בגן המדע

הכירו את ה"רובו-ביט": הרובוט שתוכלו לעצב, לתכנן ולתכנת בעצמכם כך שיבצע פעולות שונות. בסדנת "עשה בוט בעצמך" ניפגש מדי שבוע כדי לעשות בדיוק את זה!